"I never thought I'd need the services that Mr. Ridley's Defense team offers. Writing this gives me anxiety and tears fill my eyes. After countless days and lost sleep, I came across Ridley Defense. I researched Ridley Defense inside out before contacting him. This was the scariest thing I'd ever been through in my life and everything was on the line. My boyfriend Is a Master at Arm's in the United States Navy with 14 years of service. I knew I was going to need someone who understood the military side of the law just as well as the civilian side. We needed someone who was going to understand the life that was in their hands, and we were at their mercy. This was a long 2 year process due to Covid but in August 2022 the Trial began. Doug Ridley met with us for the first time in person and I think meeting in person he got to see what 2 years of stress on a family really looked like. Danielle and Tal were our two lead attorneys. Danielle, this woman is an extraordinary attorney. Tal, was so calming and understood that emotions were running high and we could barely breathe. I assure you; you can trust Ridley Defense. Our family walked away with a VICTORY. We are now able to move forward with our life. This team was a wonderful blessing and I wish them all continued success. To Danielle and Tal, thank you isn't enough!"

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