A credit card fraud defense lawyer can help you fight the potentially serious consequences that can arise from charges of credit card fraud. A charge of credit card fraud includes all types of fraud and theft in which an individual appropriates another individual’s credit card information or funds without consent for his or her use.
As an aspect of identity theft, credit card fraud is a serious offense. If you’ve been arrested for committing credit card fraud, the best action you can take to protect your personal and professional future is to contact a credit card fraud lawyer immediately.
At Ridley Defense we have developed a team of expert credit card fraud lawyers who are ready to help you fight these charges in Ventura County, Santa Barbara County, and Southern California. Being arrested or convicted of any illegal activity can obviously be detrimental to your personal life, but white-collar crimes like credit card fraud can dramatically impact your employment opportunities and your financial future in particular.
There are plenty of criminal lawyers in Los Angeles, but what sets my team at Ridley Defense apart from the rest is our background in prosecution. Having served as Deputy District Attorney in Ventura County for five years, I bring the perspective and inside knowledge to my firm that no other defense attorneys can offer. So don’t let any more time go by before addressing this serious issue. When you retain a credit card fraud lawyer from Ridley Defense, you receive the full resources of one of the best criminal law firms in the Conejo Valley area.
Call us today at (805) 590-2637.